Explore which companies share officers and addresses

It can be hard to tell how companies are related sometimes, especially when we don't have data on their structure.

This page is a bit of a cheat - we see who shares an address and then which officers they have in common.

It's not an exact relation (as lots of people might share a registrar as a secretary or use their accountant's address) but it can indicate some patterns.


Where is the data from?

The data is all from OpenCorporates via their API. I've limited it to UK companies so that means the source is effectively Companies House.

What do the colours mean?

Green = postcode, Blue = company, Pink = officer

Some of the data is wrong, or relates a company incorrectly

THIS IS ONLY AN INDICATOR - you can't tell anything *for certain* from whether two companies share an address or an officer. It's up to you to exercise your judgement and do further work to confirm or deny your suspicions.